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For Identity Centered on Microsoft Cloud

For Identity Centered on Microsoft Cloud

Azure Active Directory – Microsoft is pouring more connections to cloud services, more GRC capabilities into AAD.

For Identity Centered on Premise

For Identity Centered on Premise

Microsoft Identity Manager – Many do and will continue to use MIM, especially for those with large on-premises investments that aren’t going away any time soon. Used in conjunction with AAD and/or Clear Skye and your solution can cover the Cloud and all your GRC needs.

For Identity Centered on Service Desk

For Identity Centered on Service Desk

HyperSync – A most intriguing option, HyperSync Panel is a high performance identity synchronization engine built on top of the Identity Panel application framework. Used in conjunction with AAD and MIM or apart, HyperSync provides incredible GRC capabilities right where everyone already goes — the Service Desk.


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From our blog

MIMWAL Can run PowerShell 3.0 and beyond without PSRemoting or Start-Process!

on June 7, 2024

I just discovered that a colleague had several years prior managed to get MIMWAL PowerShell Activity to run Get-ADUser and other commandlets from the Active Directory Module (which requires PowerShell 3.0 or later) without using PowerShell Remoting or starting a new Process with Start-Process. <Caution> Per Eugene Sergeev This breaks SSPR AuthN workflows. </Caution> So if you aren’t using SSPR through MIM this might be an option for you!

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SSL v TLS with EntraID Sync and MIM's Generic LDAP Connector

on April 11, 2024

Everyone knows that SSL is vulnerable and we should therefore use TLS. What isn’t well understood is the options presented for Binding (authentication) when using the Generic LDAP Connector with AADConnect or the Generic LDAP ECMA 2.x with MIM. We are presented 5 options: Anonymous Basic Kerberos SSL TLS When we tested we could get the SSL option to work over port 636, and we could get the TLS option to work on port 389 but we couldn’t get the TLS option to work over port 636.

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What does MIM's StoreChk.exe do?

on March 29, 2024

I watched through SQL Profiler to better understand what these checks do, and I found an error with check #10. It says it is “Checking Lineage Guid table for MV objects with invalid MV object ids” but the SQL query it issues is the same as the query for Check # 9 “Checking Lineage Date table for MV objects with invalid MV object ids.” It queries the Lineate Date table instead of the Lineage GUID table like it says.

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MIM StoreChk.exe Assumes SQL is Local

on March 28, 2024

On occasion you (usually with the help of PSS – Product Support Services) may need to verify the integrity of the MIM Synchronization Service Database. To do this you can use the Store Check tool, StoreChk.exe located in the bin folder under the root of your MIM Synchronization install. While the storechk tool does read the registry to find the name of the database (almost always is FIMSynchronizationService) it does not read the Server or Instance name registry values in the parameters key of the registry.

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