September 24, 2008
Paul Divan, a sharp coworker and fellow Solutions Architect at Ensynch has authored an “awesome” whitepaper on custom activities in ILM 2 Workflow using Windows Workflow Foundations. (Brad Turner contributed a bunch, and I made a few contributions as well)
Check out Mark Gabarra’s (part of the MSFT ILM Product Group) “awesome” comments on the whitepaper.
I especially want to thank some of the folks from Microsoft who were so helpful in figuring out some of these pieces and for their general support. Steve Klem, Mark Gabarra, Andreas Kjellman, Markus Vilcinskas, Jeff Staiman, Larry Buerk and Ahmad Abdel-wahed.
The files can be found on the Ensynch IDA Practice page here:
Ensynch Identity & Access Management (IDA) home page
Direct links to the files can be found here:
- Identity and Access Management Operations Guide – ILM 2 Workflow Activity Walkthrough (PDF)
- Identity and Access Management Operations Guide – ILM 2 Workflow Activity Walkthrough Project Files (ZIP)