October 5, 2009
Get the rundown on Geneva from Frequent Industry Speaker and Nationally Recognized Microsoft ILM MVP,**
**David Lundell****
**Wednesday, October 14, 2009**
**10:30 to 11:30 (PST)**
**12:30 to 1:30 (CST)**
**1:30 to 2:30 (EST)****
Live Meeting Information
will be sent to attendees
David Lundell,
Identity Management
Practice Leader, Ensynch
Jonathan Sander
IAM and Security Analyst
Quest Software
Webinar: Accelerate Your Businesses for the Future with Microsoft Geneva (ADFS) and the Cloud
Has your organization been considering moving applications to the cloud or using Software as a Service (SaaS) providers? Have you already done it? Have you realized the cost savings?
Have you encountered the difficulties in managing the identities and passwords across the various identities?
Using Microsoft Geneva (ADFS) and Quest Java SSO, and Quest inTrust, you can lower the cost of moving applications to the cloud and to SaaS, which can remove a big hurdle to a key strategic initiative.
I would like to invite you to our latest exclusive “no frills” webinar: “How Microsoft Geneva Streamlines Business,” the final part in a Identity Management Webinar Series from Ensynch’s Identity Management Practice Director, Frequent Industry Speaker, and Microsoft Identity Management MVP, David Lundell, and Quest Software IAM and Security Analyst, Jonathan Sander. (Previous webinars are available for download here)
This webinar is designed for business leaders, and will present discuss the business value of Microsoft Geneva and the Cloud. Whether identity management within the Cloud and SaaS is a major concern for your organization or if you are simply curious about using Microsoft Geneva as an asset to help your business, this webinar is for you.
Webinar Agenda:
- The Cloud’s little secret: Multiplying identity stores
- High level discussion of The Cloud (Azure, Amazon, SaaS, etc)
- High Level discussion of Geneva (ADFS, WIF)
- The Value of the Cloud
- The hidden Costs of the Cloud
- How Geneva(ADFS) helps lower the cost of the Cloud
- Gaps of the Cloud
- Possible Solutions
- Gaps of Geneva with the cloud
- Possible Solutions from Quest
[Register Now]](http://cl.exct.net/?qs=ae57dcbc36f810606fbc9bc44fc29a040dc2c326b815e7d30ab7bb56472585cc)