Dealing with the ILM 2 RC 0 Cert in Windows server 2003 domain

The Password Reset instructions ask us to use Group Policy to distribute the cert to the clients. This only works in Windows Server 2008 functional level domains. In Windows Server 2003 domains you can automate this using cerutil.exe The following command will export the cert generated by ILM 2 install to the ilm2cert.cer file in the working directory certutil -store trustedpeople IdentityLifeCycleManager2 ilm2cert.cer This command can be used to import the cert from the command line

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Problems with Sync Rules in ILM 2 RC0 (err FIM RC0)?

If you will take a look at FIM(ILM) connections sc… Unknown - Apr 2, 2009If you will take a look at FIM(ILM) connections schema you will see that ILM MA has a direct SQL connectivity to FIM database (not through web service). As far as I know any change to metaverse schema fires up synchronization of this change to FIM database directly through SQL connection.

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Problems with Sync Rules in ILM 2 RC0 (err FIM RC0)?

Well I had a problem with a recent install – the Metaverse Object Type Dropdown list was empty! Turns out the source of this drop down list is the mv-data object type. However my install didn’t have this object. Obviously something was wrong. How does one create this object in the first place? Not directly in the portal. I am not certain when this object is supposed to be created.

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ILM FIM Webinar Custom Workflow -- Joe Zamora

Joe Zamora the maintainer of the Ensynch ILM 2 Custom Workflow Walkthrough is our main presenter at our next Webinar this Thursday at 9 AM Pacific. To register click on the image below. The code from our Pre-con workshop is posted on CodePlex Ensynch Custom WF Activities

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Install ILM 2 in a SharePoint Farm

As I endeavored to install the ILM 2 Portal into a SharePoint farm (WSS 3.0 SP 1) with a remote database I encountered the following problem: The dreaded Premature Failure during installation. When I turned on logging for the install and examined the file, I found: Action 14:55:25: ConfigPortalAnonymousAccess. CAQuietExec: CAQuietExec: This operation can be performed only on a computer that is joined to a server farm by users who have permissions in SQL Server to read from the configuration database.

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What's in name? Forefront Identity Manager 2010

In case you haven’t heard Zoomit VIA or rather Microsoft MetaDirectory Services has been renamed yet again, from Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 to Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007 to Forefront Identity Manager 2010 or FIM for short. For obvious reasons the L was dropped when the F was added (Forefront + ILM = FILM). So ILM 2 => FIM 2010 (stole this graphic from Brad Turner’s blog – his Smart Art creations are beautiful – recently I have been studying smart art under his tutelage I hope to soon approach his level of skill)

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Ensynch The Place to Be

In the last four months two very talented people have joined Ensynch, Chris Calderon, ILM MVP, and Mark Struck. Chris Calderon of fame is extremely talented with ILM, AD Federated Services (AD FS) and many other tools. Mark Struck, is a very talented developer, and experienced implementer of ILM. Even before Mark joined the team he and I collaborated to figure out how to use the ILM 2 web services.

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MSIT's implementation of ILM 2

TEC 2009 continues onto the last day. Joel Silver spoke on his efforts and plans to implement ILM 2 for Microsoft. He presented a very interesting workflow to show how he addressed the challenge of creating unique email aliases. Then I listened to Felix as he discussed some of the interesting aspects of LDAP enhancements from around the vendorscape (I think I just made that word up).

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Posted: ILM 2 Business Value webinar recording

ILM 2 Business Value Webinar Recording It has actually been posted for some time now, I have just been a bit busy (apology to my readers). Other items will also get posted here in the column on the right hand side:

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Netpro DEC -> Quest TEC -- Ensynch's Sessions

Back in business school we always studied name changes and rebranding, and this one has been interesting Last summer NetPro deciding to expand the Directory Experts Conference (DEC) to include an exchange conference and so they re-branded the conference NetPro’s The Experts Conference. Then Quest acquired NetPro, so it became a completely re-branded conference as Quest’s The Expert Conference. So NetPro DEC became Quest TEC. Sunday Mar 22nd - Wed Mar 25th in Vegas www.

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