How to get from the Sync-Rule-ID to the Sync Rule Resource ID

May 1, 2013

If you are looking at the XML export of the FIM synchronization config and you are trying to track down which sync rule is supplying a particular flow you just need to know which numbers lead you where.

For example:

The key to finding the Sync rule is of course the Sync rule ID. However, this is not the resource ID that I can search for in the FIM Portal. Rather this is the metaverse ID.


From there I can open the list of connectors and for sync rules there should be one – the FIM MA.

Then I can see the Distinguished Name of the Sync rule which is the Resource ID (aka ObjectID)


Then I can search in the FIM Portal by ResourceId and find the corresponding Synchronization rule:


Even better is to use the Join-ImportToExportAttributeFlow PowerShell commandlet originally created by Craig Martin

Joe Zamora found and tweaked a minor bug in it: http://c– be sure to use this fix.

Using the commandlet you can have a spreadsheet showing you the end to end attribute flow.