Open Source: Review of Lithnet

March 31, 2017

Ryan Newington’s Lithnet consists of several items:

  1. miis-powershell

  2. resourcemanagement-powershell

  3. resourcemanagement-webservice

  4. googleapps-managementagent

  5. acma

  6. “Codeless business rules engine for FIM/MIM”

  7. umare

  8. “Codeless data transform engine for FIM/MIM”

I will only review the items I know

Managing Sync
miis-powershell is amazing it can almost everything you can do through the UI. For example, Clear-FullSyncWarning and it has a great wiki. Gotta have it!

It wraps WMI calls, existing PowerShell modules, executables and sync client UI to interact with FIM/MIM Sync.

My WishList

Turn on and off Sync Rule Provisioning

Export Sync Server Config

Managing Service

I know many people love Ryan’s approach with Lithnextresourcemanagement-powershell as it enables you to interact with the FIM/MIM Service in great ways. My big downside is that you just about have to learn a new language, the Config Management XML to use this most effectively. But when you do you can have every piece of FIM/MIM Service under source code control. Ike Ugochuku (recent MVP – congrats!) has a nice video intro 

So while I use Wim Beck’s IS4U-FIM-PowerShell (Check out my review of IS4U-FIM-PowerShell) I can wholeheartedly concur with other’s recommendations that this is worthwhile!

Simplifying the Service
The Resourcemanagement-WebService is not something I have used but as one of the first beta users of the SOAP/WCF endpoint back in ILM 2 Beta 2 days I can really appreciate the notion of a simplified, Restful interface that returns JSON instead of bloated XML. Good work!

The other pieces will have to wait for another time.