
FIM 2010 hotfix available (4.0.3594.2)

Microsoft has released a new hotfix (kb 2520954) at the end of October with some key fixes in it as well as one item that I will blog about next that prevents me from loading this on most implementations, until it is addressed. Highlights Component Official Description Comments Workflow Engine (FIM Service) Assume that you perform an operation that accesses the SQL database when the Microsoft SQL Server connection pooling feature is enabled in the FIM server.

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TEC 2012 call for papers open for 2 more days

The Experts Conference Call for Papers still open until Nov 18th For general info: I have attended at spoke at this conference since 2007. I love it. It is a great experience and loads of great in-depth technical training by top experts on Directory & Identity, as well as SharePoint, Exchange, Virtualization & Cloud and PowerShell Deep Dive. Also come and learn about the inside joke dealing with the rubber chicken.

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Awesome FIM Case Study

Is FIM 21010 a much more advanced version of the F… Craig Martin - Nov 3, 2011Is FIM 21010 a much more advanced version of the FIM we know today?

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Awesome FIM Case Study

Microsoft recently published a case study about our work (Ensynch – now Insight) at Grand Canyon University, implementing a FIM 2010 based identity management solution. The document is available for download directly from

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O Blog how I have neglected thee

Wow, sorry to hear about the past few months, soun… Derek A. Hanson - Nov 3, 2011Wow, sorry to hear about the past few months, sounds like it was pretty rough. Congrats on the acquisition and all the best with your projects.

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O Blog how I have neglected thee

Ok so I have neglected my blog a bit. You all saw the news that Ensynch is now part of Insight. Wow the same day we announced the merger (9/19), I was also given word that my uncle and cousin died in a plane crash, that wound up making the regional news. Later my kids earned their trip to Disneyland, so we took them in early October. One of our architects had to disengage from a big project (for personal reasons) and I needed to step in and play that role too.

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Big news–Insight + Ensynch

Insight to acquire Ensynch. As my colleague Rebecca Croft said: We are very excited about the union of Insight and Ensynch and the benefits that it will bring to our clients. Both companies are focused on helping our clients find innovative, cost effective solutions to address business needs. Bringing Ensynch into the Insight organization will offer clients more robust software services, particularly around Microsoft Enterprise Agreements, as well as improved services delivery, enhanced virtualization and cloud capabilities and solution-focused approach to software sales.

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Get 15% off of FIM Best Practices Volume 1

Through Sept 26th get 15% of FIM Best Practices Volume 1 at Use the following code at checkout OKTOBERFEST305

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Get 20% of FIM Best Practices Volume 1

Buy FIM Best Practices Volume 1 in Soft Cover or E-Book Enter coupon code SEPTEMBER305 at checkout and receive 20% off your order. The maximum savings for this offer is $100. Offer expires on September 9 at 11:59 PM

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Calling a stored procedure in an ADFS claims rule

After you have setup your SQL Attribute Claims Store in ADFS. If you want to use it and in fact test it you must set up a claims rule that makes use of it. To do this you must create a claim using a custom rule, which allows you to employ the claims rule language. The following technet entry is a good start as it illustrates how to enter a SQL Query and even a stored procedure.

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