
Tech Ed Anyone?

I will be attending Tech-Ed IT-Pro in a little over a week. My employer Ensynch has a booth. I will also be spending some time at the Microsoft ILM Product Group’s booth. Looking forward to seeing a bunch of folks out there and helping to demonstrate ILM 2 Beta 3! (Once it is released;)

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Processing Actions Asynchronously outside of ILM MA's

For years developers have had access to the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) as a way to be able to queue up actions for processing later or on a remote machine. With the release of SQL 2005 back in well 2005, developers with access to SQL 2005 could replace these MSMQ apps with SQL Service Broker Queues (SSB). With ILM 2007 /MIIS 2003 SP 2 supporting SQL 2005 the use of SQL Service Broker Queues became much more accessible to ILM Developers.

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SQL Business Intelligence

This evening I attended a nice SQL 2005 BI presentation by Kathrine Lord of Microsoft. She took the Arizona SQL Server Users Group through a nice tour of a datawarehouse that she built for a call center. (Thanks to Pete Miller of Statera for all these years of running and organizing the AZ SQL Server User’s group). Her presentation was a quick end to end walkthrough: building cubes, MDX calculations, creation of named sets, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and using the Pivot Tables inside of Excel 2007.

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Identity Chaos? Get your Identities Ensynch!

If I post a comment on my own blog does that mean … David Lundell - May 3, 2008If I post a comment on my own blog does that mean I am having an Identity Crisis?

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Identity Chaos? Get your Identities Ensynch!

I recently joined the Identity Management Practice, as a Solution Architect, at Ensynch Inc, an award winning Microsoft Gold Partner based in Tempe, AZ, with a strong award winning presence in Southern California. In 2006 Ensynch won Microsoft Worldwide Partner Award for Excellence in Active Directory and Identity Management and in 2007 was the only finalist from North America. In fact the only finalist from the Western Hemisphere. I am especially happy to be working with Brad Turner, fellow ILM MVP and a good friend.

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The Grand Unified Demo of Identity Management

As I was architecting and assembling the Identity All Up workshop (part of the 2008 Directory Experts Conference see the review by Felix Gaehtgens, an analyst for Kuppinger Cole) designed to expose the attendees (or delegates) to all facets of the Microsoft Identity Access Platform, Lori Craw, from Microsoft referred to this as the “Grand Unified Demo”. I chuckled, instantly catching the reference to the still undiscovered Grand Unified Field theory that eluded Einstein and even today’s theoretical physicists.

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