Beta Exam for FIM available until Aug 4th Beta exam 71-158_, TS: Forefront Identity Manager 2010, Configuring_ So in a short while we should see some folks who are actually Microsoft Certified Technical Specialists(MCTS) for FIM!

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FIM Bug for multi-valued strings that need approval

I think I found a bug in FIM Version 4.0.3576.2 take a look: It appears that when you have a multi-valued string attribute when you add more than 1 value at a time and you need approval to create the object or to update the attribute, the request will fail. In the event log you will see an error (UnwillingToPerformException … CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object).

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SQL Extensible Management Agents That Scale (Rebecca Croft)

Rebecca, a fellow Ensynchian, presented at TEC 2011 on the limitations of the standard out of the box SQL Management and how she overcame them by writing a very fast eXtensible Management Agent (XMA). First attempt use sql reader to read data (really fast) and write one row at a time to the AVP file (but that gets slow when dealing with large data sets). Second attempt use the T-SQL “FOR XML” clause to transform the data to XML and then use an XSLT to transform to LDIF.

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RCDC Editor

As previously discussed the RCDC is a very powerful tool for customizing FIM without writing your own front-end and web client. There are several drawbacks to the RCDC. The worst is that you have to export the RCDC to an xml file, open it up in your favorite XML editor, modify it by hand, load it back into the FIM Portal and then run iisreset. All of which means that mistakes are quite painful, as it can take you several minutes to discover your mistake.

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RCDC Requiring another field

Ok I just had to blog this. I created a custom resource type in FIM for resource mailboxes (Room and Equipment) with accompanying RCDC’s. Based on a Boolean attribute I hide or make visible a tab of info about Room resources on the edit and view RCDC’s. (You can’t do that to the create RCDC because the object doesn’t yet exist) But, I would like to make room number on the Hidden tab to be required when the tab is visible, and not when the tab isn’t.

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FIM 2010 R2 News

At Tech Ed Atlanta Brjann Brekkan and Mark Wahl discussed FIM 2010 R2 in a public forum – so here is a lot of info that is now in the public forum. Mark covered the new items that will come out in R2: Web Based Password reset (no need for a domain joined computer, no need to install Password Client no need for Active X, support for Firefox)

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Behind the scenes of RoomResources–Custom Properties

While using FIM and PowerShell to manage Exchange 2010 I was following along a wonderful article on resource mailboxes that left me wondering a few things. Exactly how is the data stored in the msExchResourceDisplay and msExchResourceSearchProperties attributes? How is it stored with multiple custom properties? Is manipulating those AD attributes sufficient or is PowerShell storing something in the Exchange Data store? Here are the answers:

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RSS feed for FIM Hotfixes

Now you can be informed about FIM 2010 hotfixes through an RSS newsfeed

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Using FIM to manage BPOS/Office 365

Carol presented a solution to a very thorny problem – how to overcome the lack of delegation in BPOS. In BPOS a user is either an admin or a user. So she used FIM to provide the delegation. Very detailed, very complete solution. She illustrated some of the scripts she has posted on her blog such as Well done Carol!

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FIM 2010 reporting using SQL Server Reporting Services (Jeremy and Craig)

Link to Jeremy and Craig’s solution please? Sami - Jul 1, 2011Link to Jeremy and Craig’s solution please?

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