Default GalSync Connector Filter

Hi , If I want to exclude a handful of users fr… Unknown - Aug 3, 2013Hi , If I want to exclude a handful of users from an OU moving across with the GALSync , am I correct to click on the user datasource object type and do a declared import filter then add their display names equals , will this work ?

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Default GalSync Connector Filter

Using FIM 2010 RTM Update 1: The default GalSync Connector Filter is to filter out user objects that are hidden from the addressbook, OR missing the legacyExchangeDN, OR missing both the msExchangeHomeServerName and targetAddress are missing, OR proxyAddresses are missing, OR if it is a Mailbox Plan, Arbitration Mailbox, or Discovery Mailbox. Consequently, this answers the question are mail-enabled users filtered out by default? No they are not, as a mail-enabled user will have the target address populated, and none of the other rules will filter it out.

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When moving the FIM DB ensure FT Indexing enabled

I just found a very intriguing blog post from Thomas Vuylsteke, about a potential danger when moving your FIM Service Database from SQL Server to another: The case of the new attributes that didn’t want to be found In short there is the potential that when you move the database that it might arrive on the new server with the Full Text Indexing disabled. The way Thomas tumbled to the problem was that he couldn’t search for a new attribute.

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TEC Europe – Come hear me speak!

I will be presenting at TEC Europe in Dusseldorf Germany Oct 4-6. During my sessions I will give away a copy or two of my book FIM Best Practices Volume 1 . FIM 2010 Performance Tuning (SQL and more) Speaker: David Lundell Learn how to tune FIM 2010 to make it scream. Take a look at the various architectures and what they buy you. Learn how crucial SQL is to FIM performance and what to do about it.

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The Book is here! FIM Best Practices Volume 1 is Available

Congratulations!! I’ll order it immediately. Naohiro Fujie - Aug 1, 2010Congratulations!! I’ll order it immediately. Congrats, any chance of an ebook? Dan, I considered the e-book route, but at least for the time being decided to go with a printed version. Feel free to lobby and persuade me why an ebook version would be better. Thanks for the orders! Ordered! I was hoping there’d be an eBook for instant gratification and keyword search.

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The Book is here! FIM Best Practices Volume 1 is Available

To purchase a copy of the book please follow this link. The best view to present from the lulu site is probably this one: as it has the brief description of the book and the author bio. You also have the ability to preview a few parts of the book The book came out to be 258 pages from cover to cover, and yes we included an index! By publishing it through Lulu.

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Book update

Early last week I sent the book out for review. I have been digesting the excellent feedback I have gotten (thanks to Peter Geelen, Paul Loonen, Andreas Kjellman, and Glenn Zuckerman). Apparently, they liked Brad’s architecture diagrams more than mine (so do I) so I need to update the other architecture diagrams to be like his. They really do look neater. Check out this one on FIM multi-tier with an admin partition:

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The Book: FIM Best Practices Volume 1

Hi David, any update on the availability date? Unknown - Aug 2, 2010Hi David, any update on the availability date? The day it’s out I’ll have my card ready! Hi David, any news on the book? Hope your back is better! The book is now available! My back is better too! I have already placed my order and I am looking forward to getting the book in the mail. Hi David , just got your book and i love it ,is there an estimate when V2 will be published ,cant wait.

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The Book: FIM Best Practices Volume 1

In two weeks we (Brad Turner is my co-author) will make available for ordering a book on FIM entitled: FIM Best Practices Volume 1: Introduction, Architecture And Installation Of Forefront Identity Manager 2010 Information on order will be posted here on my blog This will be the first book on Forefront Identity Manager in English that is not focused on Certificate Management (Brian Komar wrote on book on FIM Certificate Management deployment and two gentlemen from Japan wrote a book on FIM in Japanese as blogged about by fellow MVP, Naohiro Fujie.

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Embedding comments in your XPATH Filters

One thing I love to do is provide self-documenting code and configurations. Well when I have to customize sets the XPATH filter can get a bit complex so I recently found a way to comment the XPATH Filter in my sets and groups: /Person[starts-with(DisplayName,'%')] By using to enclose my comments and only after the last closing ] of the predicate I can comment on the filter itself. The following will error (don’t put the comment inside the predicate [].

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